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Dec 13, 2022

Role of website designing in successful digital marketing?

Role of web design in a Business

Role of web design in a Business

Running a successful business campaign needs a lot of time and effort. It is important to have a powerful online presence to make your business grow in today’s competitive times. Whether you are an already established business or a new startup, your company needs a well developed website. The website works as an online store that helps showcase your products and services to the audience. First impressions matter, thus the company’s website should be presentable and attract the attention of the viewers at once. Invest in premium web designing companies that will optimize the overall user experience of your website.

What is Web Design in Digital Marketing?

Web design consists of various features that help in the production of an effective website. The different skills of web designing include graphic design, UI/UX design and Search engine optimization that help enhance the front-end design of a website. In the digital world, the website is the face of a business enterprise. A well organized website boosts credibility of your company and helps gain trust of the online audience.

Digital marketing enables your company’s website to reach out to a wider audience which in turn generates more traffic for your website. The most important aspect of digital marketing is the design of a website. If your website is poorly designed and is running extremely slow, then you are going to lose an audience. Get updated with the latest web design and development trends to always stay ahead of your competitors.

What is the Importance of Website Design in Digital Marketing?

By now you might have understood the correlation of website design and digital marketing. Both are two sides of the same coin. The importance of website designing cannot be emphasized enough in the success of a digital marketing campaign! Website design is considered to be the keystone of digital marketing for the following reasons:

1-Quality increases credibility

A high-quality website automatically enhances the credibility of a company. People are more likely to invest in a company that seems reliable and trustworthy. A well organized website that is regularly being updated with new content helps keep the interest of the visitors and bring in more audience.

2-First impressions help seal the deal

In today’s fast paced life, the first look of your website is all you have got to impress the first time visitors and make them stay on your website. A poor looking website is most likely to get rejected by the audience right at the first glance. That is why we can’t neglect the importance of an aesthetically pleasing website.

3-Improves the SEO ranking

Search Engine Optimization is all about improving the online visibility of your brand. User experience has become an important factor in search engine ranking. That is why a well structured, user-friendly and interactive website is more likely to get better rankings in search results.

Features of Web Design to Keep in Mind for a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign.

  • 1- Interactive and user-friendly interface
  • 2- SEO friendly
  • 3- Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • 4- Site Speed
  • 5- Responsive Website
  • 6- Content Readability
  • 7- Website auditing and maintenance

ebsite design has become an essential tool for the success of digital marketing campaigns. Therefore it has become important to focus on the web design and development trends which might help improve the quality of your website. Below is a list of features to consider while designing the website of your company-

1. Interactive and user friendly interface-

The website should be easy to navigate and use. Your audience is more likely to return back to your website if they have an interactive and smooth user experience. Simple yet effective UI/UX ensures an effortless user-friendly interface that saves time and efforts of the audience. Thus it compels them to return back to the website. Good web designing companies help create and build interactive websites that are also mobile-friendly.

2. SEO friendly-

One of the major points to keep in mind while designing your website is that it should be SEO friendly. The websites which are SEO friendly are most likely to rank higher in search results. SEO friendly website design:

  • 1Improves the ranking of your website.
  • Helps generate organic traffic.
  • Enhance the chances of success of the digital marketing campaign.

3- Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)-

Conversion Rate Optimization is basically the practice of increasing the percentage of conversions from a website. Conversions are the desired actions that your audience performs such as signing up for a service, clicking add to cart, filling out a form, purchasing a product/service or even just clicking a link. In digital marketing, strategies are made to increase the conversion of a website so as to drive sales. The best web designing companies are always looking for ways to get a high conversion rate for their clients. Here are some factors that can be considered for increasing the conversion rates:

  • There should be a clear and strategically planned placement of ads and pop up messages that help the visitor find what they were looking for.
  • It is a harsh reality that 65% of users abandon a website that is hard to navigate. Your website should be interactive and easy to navigate, then only visitors will invest their time and money in your company.
  • CTA or Call To Action are literally terms and phrases that ask the audience to take an immediate action when they visit your website. You should have a highly specific and clear CTA which will make the user take immediate action and improve the conversion for your website.

4- Site Speed

One of the major turn off is when a website takes longer than 4 to 5 seconds to load. If your website takes longer to load then you should consult one of the efficient web designing companies who might help improve the speed of your website. There are many factors that might slow down your website such as images, videos on your website, themes, plugins and sometimes even the coding of the website. You should get your website checked and get cleared off any unnecessary plugins, cache other factors that might be slowing your website.

5- Responsive Website-

The responsiveness of a website is determined by checking how well the website works on different mobile devices such as mobile phone, laptop, PC and tablets. The main aim is to provide the optimum user interface irrespective of the device size. It is an important factor that determines the user experience of the website. Good responsive websites enhance the user experience, while bad responsive websites degrade it. Follow the latest web design and development trends to increase the responsiveness of your website

6- Content Readability-

Content is the key for your website. Most of your website is covered with content that tells about the products and services that your brand offers. The content should be readable and attractive so that it improves the engagement on the website. Readability helps in making the content more appealing and also helps in enhancing the SERP rankings of your website. Thus, you should hire one of the best web designing companies to improve the content of your website.

7- Website auditing and maintenance

Annual or timely auditing is necessary to check for any security breaches and improve the performance of your website. If your website is running slow or you feel there have been security issues then you must alter the website design as per your specific needs. Auditing your website on a regular basis is highly recommended to make sure that your website is performing at its optimal level.

Website design has become a crucial part of all the digital marketing campaigns nowadays. It is important to keep in mind the above mentioned points that will help you optimize your website design to its best level.

Lamp Media Tech is one of the leading web designing companies in Dubai that works in the field of providing premium digital marketing solutions to our clients. Do get in touch with our team if you wish to know more about any of our services.

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